Non-diet, weight-inclusive nutrition therapy for health and wellness rooted in Intuitive Eating and Health At Every Size (HAES) principles.


Medical Nutrition Therapy

Amy is a Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist who provides nutrition-related therapies for:

  • General health & wellness

  • Diabetes (all types)

  • Digestive disorders (e.g. IBS)

  • Polycystic ovary syndrom (PCOS)

  • Food allergies, intolerances and sensitivities

  • Autoimmune conditions

  • Eating disorders

  • Disordered eating & chronic dieting


Amy also provides anti-diet coaching. Coaching functions may include:

  • Assessment of hormone imbalance, gut issues and micronutrient deficiency that does not resolve with normalization of eating in recovery

  • Support with meal planning and preparation

  • Intuitive Eating coaching

*Coaching services are available nationwide, whereas Medical Nutrition Therapy is currently only available in certain states. Contact Amy to discuss your options.


Nutrition Therapy & Wellness Co. is an anti-diet, HAES-aligned, LGBTQ+ inclusive company and a BLM ally.